Dear Members of the New Mexico Healthcare Executives,

As Chair of the Nominating Committee, it is my pleasure to deliver this message to all Board Members of the New Mexico Healthcare Executives (NMHE).

This “Call for Nominations” is for officer positions for the NMHE Board of Directors. These positions will become vacant every year on January 1st. In accordance with the NMHE Chapter Bylaws, the Nominating Committee is required to recommend individuals to serve on the Board of Directors and in Officer positions. Prior to submitting a final slate of candidates, the Nominating Committee must issue a call for nominations. All affiliates of NMHE, in good standing, are eligible for election. Affiliates may nominate themselves or others for the Board of Directors Officer seats.

Procedure for Nomination

Nominations can be made by completing the Call for Nominations form below and submitting it to the Nominating Committee via the email address The individual being nominated must also provide the Nominating Committee a brief (1 to 2 paragraph) biography by this deadline as well. Please ensure that all requested information is completed on this form. The Nominating Committee will review the nominations and prepare a ballot to be distributed to the chapter membership by November 9, 2016. The open Board of Directors Officer positions will be elected by a majority of the chapter BOD.

Evaluation Criteria to be used by the Nominating Committee

The following is a list of preferred attributes that the Nominating Committee will take into account in its deliberations.

  • Membership Status: Candidates must be members in good standing with the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE). “Good standing” means the nominee is current on his/her annual membership dues and has not violated any of the ACHE ethical standards.

  • Education: Preference is given to candidates who hold an advanced degree in healthcare administration, business administration, or other disciplines with a healthcare emphasis.

  • Fellow Certification: Preference is given to candidates who are Fellows of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE), but this is not a prerequisite.

  • Service/Availability: Board members must be able to attend at least three (3) of the four (4) Board meetings that are customarily scheduled each year. Board meetings are typically held every two (2) to three (3) months.

Board Composition

The Nominating Committee will do its best to ensure the NMHE Board of Directors is broadly representative of our membership. We will achieve this goal by maintaining a culturally diverse Board, as well as look for healthcare executives from all segments of the ACHE membership community.

Available Board of Director Positions

  • Chapter Officers: President -Elect, Treasurer, Secretary

    • President-Elect: The Chapter President-Elect shall substitute for the Chapter President in his/her absence (or inability to serve) and will prepare plans for his/her term of office. Once elected, the President-Elect shall advance to President at the completion of the current President’s term of office. If there is no President-Elect, then the Program Chair shall assume the position of President until the next election. The President-Elect will serve as Chair of the Programming Committee.

  • Committee Chairs: Communications Chair, Advancement and Mentoring Committee Chair, Programming Chair.

    • Communications: The Chair Communications shall be responsible for the publication of the NMHE quarterly newsletter and communication on behalf of the chapter.

    • Programming: The Chair of Programming is responsible for planning and coordinating the annual education and networking programs in accordance with the Board’s wishes and ACHE direction. The President-Elect typically serves as Programming Chair.

    • Advancement and Mentoring: The Chair of the Mentoring and Advancement Committee responsibility for the coordination of efforts to assist in advancing new Fellow designates and re-certifying existing Fellows.

Terms of Office: Chapter Board of Director terms of office shall commence on January 1st and will continue for the following periods (or until replaced by a subsequent election):

  • Deadline for Nominations November 14th

  • Voting Begins: Friday, November 14th

  • Election Closes: November 18th

Announcement of Officers: November 21st


Please see nomination forms below, and complete a nomination form for each open Elected Position.